Do You Want to Improve Your Health in 2011?

Published: Wed, 12/29/10


Dr. Elaine Ferguson's
Holistic Health Newsletter
    Improving Your Health Using the Latest Holistic Medicine Research


December 29, 2010    


Hi {fname},

I hope you're having a great holiday season! I'm having a good, quiet and restful one, and preparing for the new year that's on the horizon.
Before 2010 slips into a new year, I've put together a great  Holiday Special for the New Year.
Before I share it with you, I want to ask you a couple of questions...
Are you working on your New Year's Resolutions for 2011?
Did you keep the New Year's resolutions last year for 2010?
Don't feel bad if you didn't, most of us don't, myself included.
Do you know why most people fail?
It's very simple, we don't have a plan.
So if you want to have feel better, look better and experience vibrant health, I urge you to get your copy of our new program "15 Minutes to Better Health".  Its daily plan will guide you with a simple easy to use approach to improve your health, guaranteed, or you get your money back.
Most people wonder about if 15 minutes will make a difference.
Yes, you can improve your health devoting 15 minutes of your 24 hour day. It's for busy people.
It will keep you on track, give you a road map, and if you get it today, you'll receive it for 50% off it's already low price of $47. Now you can improve your health in 2011 for a mere $23.50!!
Use this offer's coupon code NYS2011.
Also, this 50% off coupon applies to all of our downloadable products, including our entire How to Get Well Faster products for seriously ill and hospitalized patients.
So, Click Here for Better Health in 2011
Don't delay! This is a special time limited offer, until 1.1.11.
Here's to your healthier and happier New Year!
Dr. Elaine
P.S. Here's the link again.
Click Here for Better Health in 2011
Elaine R. Ferguson, MD
One Health, LLC.




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