Do You Know How to Enhance Your Brain?

Published: Wed, 07/27/11


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Do You Know How to Enhance Your Brain?

During my years in medical school, repeatedly, my professor said that the brain cannot regenerate itself, that we were given certain number of brain cells at birth, and if they were damaged or destroyed, they could not be replaced. Intuitively, and in my gut I felt that this information was incorrect. So I rejected that thought. I knew somehow the brain, as all other cells in our body have the ability to regenerate. Read More


Can this spice help to prevent Alzheimer's Disease?

Researchers in Tel Aviv, Israel, have found that a minimum bark extract, called CEppt, may be a key player in the prevention of Alzheimer's disease. Read More


In Case You Need A Reason To Smile Today

Here's a video about a very small crime fighter, that is not only true, but might bring a smile and even a chuckle! Watch Video


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