I Couldn't Believe My Ears! Part 2

Published: Wed, 03/12/14

Holistic Health Newsletter
I Couldn't Believe My Ears! Part 2

Last week I shared with you one particular episode demonstrating how nutritional research can be distorted to suggest something other than its accurate findings. This week, we're going to explore why vitamin supplementation is important.

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Vitamin C Update

This week, I discovered reports of groundbreaking research recently reported that was conducted by a group of researchers from the University of Kansas Science Translational Medicine. The researchers tested high doses of vitamin C given to ovarian cancer patients and found that it kills cancer cells while healthy cells are not affected. The study involved 22 women, animals and cancer cell cultures.

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Never Ever Give Up
My newest shero is swimmer Diana Nyad.  At age 62 she accomplished a feat that had eluded her when she was in her "prime" late twenties and thirties.  She is truly an inspiration to us all, and proves the adage-you are as old as you think you are, and anything is possible at any age. 

Ask Dr. Elaine

Question: I am confused about something. I'm reading books on nutrition that indicate all I have to do is to change my diet to dramatically improve my health. But your book Superhealing promotes engaging the body, mind and spirit. Please help me to understand. 

Answer: That's a great question and thank you so much for asking it. I understand your confusion. So let me share with you my experience and why I believe a comprehensive approach to health is the most beneficial.
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