Anger Outbursts Linked To Increased Heart Attack Risk

Published: Wed, 03/19/14

Holistic Health Newsletter
Anger Outbursts Linked To Increased Heart Attack Risk

When I was in medical school at Duke, there was a lot of talk about the type A personality as a risk factor for having a heart attack. Over the decades studies have found that the primary risk factor and predictor in this personality was hostility (unresolved anger).  How do you deal with your anger?  Do you have healthy ways to resolve it, or do you "just let it rip?"

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Is This Yoga Mat Chemical In Your Food?

You probably heard that Subway sandwich bread contained a controversial "yoga mat" chemical, azodicarbonamide (ADA), that a food activist and blogger (  discovered. Vani Hari, creator of, campaigned to remove the chemical from Subway sandwich bread.

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Ask Dr. Elaine

Question: I really don't believe that the way I think affects my health.  I've heard you say that affirmations and positive emotions can improve my health.  I don't believe that's true for me.

Answer: Thank you for your question.  I can understand why you doubt that your thinking has any affect on your health. Both it's not just your thoughts.  Your emotions and feelings play a big part, too.  And for most, we experience life in a reactive way, instead of proactively taking charge of our thoughts, feelings and emotions.
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