How to Experience the Benefits of Exercise Without Moving

Published: Wed, 05/14/14

Holistic Health Newsletter
How to Experience the Benefits of Exercise Without Moving
Recently, the Washington Post published an article about the dangers of a sedentary lifestyle. It featured some of the same research I discovered last year. During that time, a very interesting thought occurred to me - which I will share with you in this post - that I believe is a unique way to address this epidemic that is contributing to the growing prevalence of chronic diseases in this nation and throughout the Western world.  Read More
How to Easily Make Health Care Affordable & the Missing Part of the Equation
I haven't commented on The Affordable Health Care Act, also known as Obama Care since it entered the political landscape. The primary reason is because I felt the focus of the discussion was being presented in a divisive way to the American people.
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New Study Reveals Chronic Stress Accelerates Health Risks
I believe one of the most significant and ongoing ignored aspects of medical treatment is our failure, as physicians and other health care professionals to help our patients manage stress. It is one of the leading risk factors and contributors to the development of chronic diseases, including diabetes, heart disease, cancer, stroke, high blood pressure, anxiety, depression, and many more. Read More
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