Why Depression Treatment Failed Robin Williams and Millions More [Part 1]
Published: Wed, 08/20/14
Holistic Health Newsletter
Why Depression Treatment Failed Robin Williams and Millions More [Part 1]
I was deeply saddened by the death of Robin Williams last week. He was one of my favorite comedians. I still vividly remember first seeing him as "Mork from Ork," and sensed then he was headed for great stardom. His comedic brilliance brought me often to tears. Birdcage remains as one of my favorite comedies of all time. Read More
Calcium Supplementation Associated with Reduced Death Rate
I have previously shared with you that studies have shown a link between calcium supplementation and an increased risk of heart attacks (myocardial infarction) and cardiovascular disease in women and men. The use of calcium supplements to prevent declines in bone mineral density and fractures is widespread in the United States, and thus reports of elevated cardiovascular disease risk in users of calcium
supplements are a major public health concern. Read More
How to Easily Live Healthier and Longer
Here's a very simple, but powerful way to improve your physical health. I stumbled upon this BBC documentary and hope you'll take the time to watch it. Click Here to Watch
Is Gluten Making You Fat?
Many doctors are now recommending elimination of grains from the diet, even wheat, but especially white flour. I've seen the results of the Grain Brain diet promoted by Dr. David Perlmutter, and they are quite promising. Read More
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